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Just for the record, my name, Prophet Yahweh, means "prophet of
YAHWEH". I am not trying to be YAHWEH. I am, simply, a prophet of
YAHWEH, which is what my name means.
Published By:
Prophet Yahweh
Seer of Yahweh
Master UFO Caller
Level 1 Studies
The Mysteries Of YAHWEH Revealed
Inside This Issue:
Which One Is The Creator's Original And True Name?
part 1 of a 2 part series for researching the correct spelling and
pronunciation of the Creator's name
Table of Contents:
The Creator of all things, has a personal name, and that name, in
the original languages of the bible, is YAHWEH.
However, when you look in today's English versions of the bible, the
name YAHWEH can't be found in most of them. The personal name of the
Creator, YAHWEH, was written in the original languages of the bible
over 6,000 times, but in just about all of today's many English
versions, the name YAHWEH has been secretly removed!
Now is not the time for me to prove exactly who removed YAHWEH's
name from scriptures, when they did this, and why. I will reveal the
truth about this at a later date.
However, not long ago, a very small handful of scholars have gained
the courage to start replacing YAHWEH's name in about 5 or 6 of
their newer English versions of the bible.
Even so, many other scholars say that putting the name YAHWEH in the
English bibles could be a mistake because the Creator's true name
has been lost after so many centuries of non-use.
These scholars claim that there is no indisputable proof that the
name was ever pronounced YAHWEH and therefore should not be put in
their English bibles.
Regardless, because of these and other controversies concerning the
true pronunciation and spelling of the Creator's name, scholars are
divided into several groups. And they are disputing each other's
claims of what the correct name for the Creator is.
The two main groups are those that say the Creator's name is Jehovah
and those that say it's YAHWEH.
When I first heard about the Jehovah-YAHWEH controversy, and did a
brief study of it, I quickly realized that Jehovah is not the
Creator's name. In fact, it's not even similar to the sacred name.
This left me shocked!
The reason why is because I am dedicated to the truth, the whole
truth, and nothing but the truth. And, for me to find out that I was
deceived concerning the first and most important thing a person
should learn about truth - the Creator's name, left me spiritually
devastated and angry!
Then, I realized that I had been a fool and did not know the truth
as much as I thought I did.
When it dawned on me that, for years, I was teaching people that
Jehovah was the true name of the Creator, and causing them to
believe in it, and that, I was really lying and leading them and
myself astray, with out me realizing it, I decided to launch my own
investigation into what the Creator's true name is.
I took this research extremely serious because I wanted to find the
indisputable proof of the Creator's true name and present it to
I knew it was out there, some where, and that a person did not have
to be a scholar to find it. I knew that anyone could find it if they
persistently searched through all the scholarly arguments and did a
little research of their own.
It immediately became clear to me that the key to me finding the
indisputable proof of the Creator's true and original name was for
me to learn the alphabet of of the Hebrew language. So, I learned
it's as quickly as I could, and afterwards, I started my own
I conducted my research at the various college and public libraries
in every city I found myself in over the years. I still do it today,
and I will never stop my research. It's a life-long endeavor for me.
No one will ever trick me like that again!
I spent a lot of money copying all the references I found. I wanted
to have the proof in my possession so I could show it to others and
save them from having to go through all the hard work I was
conducting. As a result of all this copying, I've amassed a large
amount of references. I knew that it would be only a few of them
that would shed any real light. Regardless, I copied all references
I came across and have them categorized in my own library.
As you can see, I took it very personal that I had been deceived,
and as a result, I was deceiving others, without realizing it.
Becaue of this, I was determined to get to the truth!
When I got to a library, I went straight to the religious department
and asked the librarian where all their biblical and regular
dictionaries, encyclopedias, and commentaries were located?
The first thing I looked up, in them, was the name "Jehovah". I was
shocked at what biblical scholars said about it. Then, I looked up
the name "YAHWEH", and the "Tetragrammaton", to see what else was
said I needed to know.
Immediately upon launching my research, I was utterly stunned when I
saw that, in just about all references, scholars were easily proving
that the name Jehovah was clearly wrong and that YAHWEH was the true
name of the Creator. In fact, the name Jehovah didn't stand a chance
for consideration!
The following are some of the facts I discovered in my research on
the sacred name.
As I began reading through the references I ran across in the
libraries, I quickly noticed the words "TETRAGRAMMATON"
In both the ancient and modern Hebrew languages, the Creator's name
was spelled with 4 letters. These 4 letters were called the
Tetragrammaton or simply Tetragram by early European, Christian
translators of the bible.
Tetragrammaton is a Greek word. "Tetra" means "four" and "gramma"
means "letters". Thus, tetragrammaton or Tetragram means "four
lettered word" or "word of four letters."
These four Hebrew letters, of the Creator's name, were
transliterated into English as "YHWH" by Christians.
After several years of conducting my research and collecting data,
it dawned on me that I was researching the writings of European
Christian scholars on their views of the Hebrew language of the
Jews. Then, it became clear to me that I should also research the
writings of the modern day White Jewish scholars and experts.
When I did that, it was made clear that the European Christian
scholars were wrong when they concluded that since there was no
undisputed proof of the Creator's name, the name YAHWEH should not
be put in their newer English versions. On the contrary, I was
blessed by the magnificent YAHWEH to know that, His name should be
put back in the sacred writings.
For several years of my research, I knew that scholars claimed that,
originally, the Hebrew language had no vowels. I noticed that some
scholars estimated that vowel points were added to Hebrew letters
about 700 AD. Others say this happened in 800-1000 AD. Regardless,
it was clear to me that the vowel points of alternate names of Satan
(Adony and Elohim) were wrongly placed in with the four letters of
the name of the Creator. And, this mixture produced the wrong
name Jehovah.
Now is not the time for me to go into details of this.
However, I will in a later study.
For now, let's stick with the present line of reasoning. Where the
indisputed proof comes in, which proves beyond any shadow of a doubt,
that the Creator's true name is YAHWEH and not Jehovah is as
As I said, Christian scholars say that the Hebrew language had no
vowels. However, I was blessed by YAHWEH to find information that
proved the scholars were wrong, and that the Hebrew language did, in
fact, have vowels!
I was stunned at how, just about all Christian scholars did not know
this. Wow! It blew me away to know that the most holy and wonderful
YAHWEH had blessed me to know what most scholars of Christiandom did
not know.
What was shown to me was that both the ancient and modern Hebrew
languages had consonants that functioned both as consonants and as
vowels. Herein lies the great secret to finding out the Creator's original and
true name.
I found this startling information in a book I was blessed to come across
titled: "THE MEMORIAL NAME - YAHWEH" by Jacob O. Meyer.
When I read it, I was shocked when I found the indisputable proof I waslooking for all those years. In the book, Meyer proved that the Tetragram
(the four letters in the Creator's name) were to be spoken as vowels
and not consonants.
In fact, as you continue to read, you'll see that whenever the Tetragrammaton is spoken as vowels, you'll find yourself actuallysaying the name YAHWEH!
According to Meyer, in the book of "Josephus" is where this proof isfound. From my early years of research I always had a copy of the complete works of Josephus, that consists of several books he wrote,and I suggest you purchase one for yourself.
Josephus was a commander of the armies of the Israelites when theyfought against the Roman invasion of the land of Israel in 70 AD. Hewas also a descendant of the priestly bloodline.
Meyer showed where, in the writings of Josephus, was proof that theTetragram was to be spoken as vowels. So, I turned to the quote Meyer
used. It's found in Josephus' work: "The Wars Of The Jews," book 5
(which describes our Temple of YAHWEH and our high priest) chapter 5
section 7, subsection 235.
In it, Josephus stated, when describing the attire of our highpriest who wore the Creator's sacred name on his turban that:
Here you see where Josephus makes it clear that the Hebrew languagedid have vowels. Even so, most Christian scholars today claim thatJosephus was wrong because the Hebrew did not have vowels!
Well, Josephus, being of a priestly family of the Israelite people,was in better position to know if the Creator's name was to be spoken as
vowels or not. And, being the learned man he was, he definitely knew the
difference between vowels and a consonants.
But the question was, what are the correct sounds of the vowel letters of
the Creator's true name?
Once again, Jacob Meyer, on page 83 in his book: "THE MEMORIAL NAME -YAHWEH"
gave me the understanding of how to correctly pronounce those vowels letters (YHWH).
However, I will in a later study.
For now, let's stick with the present line of reasoning. Where the
indisputed proof comes in, which proves beyond any shadow of a doubt,
that the Creator's true name is YAHWEH and not Jehovah is as
As I said, Christian scholars say that the Hebrew language had no
vowels. However, I was blessed by YAHWEH to find information that
proved the scholars were wrong, and that the Hebrew language did, in
fact, have vowels!
I was stunned at how, just about all Christian scholars did not know
this. Wow! It blew me away to know that the most holy and wonderful
YAHWEH had blessed me to know what most scholars of Christiandom did
not know.
What was shown to me was that both the ancient and modern Hebrew
languages had consonants that functioned both as consonants and as
vowels. Herein lies the great secret to finding out the Creator's original and
true name.
I found this startling information in a book I was blessed to come across
titled: "THE MEMORIAL NAME - YAHWEH" by Jacob O. Meyer.
When I read it, I was shocked when I found the indisputable proof I waslooking for all those years. In the book, Meyer proved that the Tetragram
(the four letters in the Creator's name) were to be spoken as vowels
and not consonants.
In fact, as you continue to read, you'll see that whenever the Tetragrammaton is spoken as vowels, you'll find yourself actuallysaying the name YAHWEH!
According to Meyer, in the book of "Josephus" is where this proof isfound. From my early years of research I always had a copy of the complete works of Josephus, that consists of several books he wrote,and I suggest you purchase one for yourself.
Josephus was a commander of the armies of the Israelites when theyfought against the Roman invasion of the land of Israel in 70 AD. Hewas also a descendant of the priestly bloodline.
Meyer showed where, in the writings of Josephus, was proof that theTetragram was to be spoken as vowels. So, I turned to the quote Meyer
used. It's found in Josephus' work: "The Wars Of The Jews," book 5
(which describes our Temple of YAHWEH and our high priest) chapter 5
section 7, subsection 235.
In it, Josephus stated, when describing the attire of our highpriest who wore the Creator's sacred name on his turban that:
Here you see where Josephus makes it clear that the Hebrew languagedid have vowels. Even so, most Christian scholars today claim thatJosephus was wrong because the Hebrew did not have vowels!
Well, Josephus, being of a priestly family of the Israelite people,was in better position to know if the Creator's name was to be spoken as
vowels or not. And, being the learned man he was, he definitely knew the
difference between vowels and a consonants.
But the question was, what are the correct sounds of the vowel letters of
the Creator's true name?
Once again, Jacob Meyer, on page 83 in his book: "THE MEMORIAL NAME -YAHWEH"
gave me the understanding of how to correctly pronounce those vowels letters (YHWH).
He stated: "The [Y] is the smallest letter in the Hebrew alphabet and has
the vowel sound of a long I (pronounced like a long E as in the word machine).The [H] has the vowel sound of an A, (aw or ah). The [W] has the vowel sound of a
long U [as in the sound of thedouble O's like those in the word zoo]. The [H]
standing at the end of a masculine name has the vowel sound of short E [as in cafe]."
Meyers goes on to say: "Now if we combine these letters we have the English
word in the letters IAUE [pronounced E'-AH-OO-EY]. Pronounce them slowly
and then rapidly. You will discover you are saying YAHWEH!"
I double checked Meyer's teachings by going to libraries and researching
books on Hebrew grammar written by the modern day White Jewish converts
to our religion. In doing so, I found that, once again, Meyer was correct concerning
the vowel sounds of the Hebrew letters that make up the Tetragram. Now, it's clear
to me that, there are two ways to translate the Tetragrammaton (YHWH and IAUE).
The consonant translation is YHWH and this form has no recognizable sound.However, the vowel translation is IAUE and its sound is clearly recognized as
YAHWEH. It appears that the early European Christians did not know about thevowel translation of the Creator's name and as a result, created thewrong word (Jehovah) in their English translations of the bible.
After many years of searching for the indisputable proof concerning the Creator's
true name, the benevolent and gracious YAHWEH led me to this man's book.
And, as a result, I now have found the indisputable proof I've been searching for!
Let only YAHWEH be praised! Praise YAHWEH!!
the vowel sound of a long I (pronounced like a long E as in the word machine).The [H] has the vowel sound of an A, (aw or ah). The [W] has the vowel sound of a
long U [as in the sound of thedouble O's like those in the word zoo]. The [H]
standing at the end of a masculine name has the vowel sound of short E [as in cafe]."
Meyers goes on to say: "Now if we combine these letters we have the English
word in the letters IAUE [pronounced E'-AH-OO-EY]. Pronounce them slowly
and then rapidly. You will discover you are saying YAHWEH!"
I double checked Meyer's teachings by going to libraries and researching
books on Hebrew grammar written by the modern day White Jewish converts
to our religion. In doing so, I found that, once again, Meyer was correct concerning
the vowel sounds of the Hebrew letters that make up the Tetragram. Now, it's clear
to me that, there are two ways to translate the Tetragrammaton (YHWH and IAUE).
The consonant translation is YHWH and this form has no recognizable sound.However, the vowel translation is IAUE and its sound is clearly recognized as
YAHWEH. It appears that the early European Christians did not know about thevowel translation of the Creator's name and as a result, created thewrong word (Jehovah) in their English translations of the bible.
After many years of searching for the indisputable proof concerning the Creator's
true name, the benevolent and gracious YAHWEH led me to this man's book.
And, as a result, I now have found the indisputable proof I've been searching for!
Let only YAHWEH be praised! Praise YAHWEH!!
One thing I noticed, that Meyer did not mention, was that when the
Tetragrammaton is spoken as vowels, the pronunciations of two
syllables are heard in the Creator's name. But, Jehovah has three
The two syllables are written as IA-UE. The IA (pronounced as a long
E' and AH) combines to form the first syllable E-AH or YAH. The UE
(pronounced as a long U with the sound of the double OO's in the
word zoo) and the short E (with the sound of the E in cafe) combines
to form the second syllable OO-EY or WEH.
Now, we see that the vowel sound of the Tetragram (IAUE) represents
two syllables (IA-UE or YAH-WEH).
These two syllables are written as consonants as YH-WH. All this
makes it clear that YAHWEH has more pretense to be right, in that,
the Creator's name has two syllables.
But, Jehovah is obviously wrong because it has 3 syllables (Je-ho-
vah) and is no where close to the truth.
Now, consider the first syllable of the word Jehovah (Je).
When you research, like I did, you'll find that the first syllable
of the Creator's name is found in personal names and other words
used by the Israelites.
Consider the name of the prophet Isaiah.
His name was mistranslated in English, and very few people know it.
Based on the Hebrew language his name was written in, our father's
name should be translated Isayah and not Isaiah. In English, the
letters I and Y are sometimes interchangeable. In the case of the
English translation Isaiah, the translators used the wrong letter to
spell his name. They should have used a Y instead of the second I in
their name for Him. This is the reason why when you say Isaiah,
you'll hear yourself saying YAH in the last syllable.
If Jehovah is the correct name of the Creator, then Isaiah's name
would have been spelled Isaje, as in Je-hovah. But it's not Isaje;
it's Isaiah (more correctly Isayah).
The first syllable of the Creator's name (YAH) is found in many
personal name's of the Israelites.
Consider the following biblical names with their correct English
Jeremiah - Yeremyah
Michaiah - Michayah
Zechariah - Zecharyah
Nehemiah - Nehemyah
As far as the first syllable of the Creator's name being used in
Hebrew words is concerned, consider the word "hallelujah". It
means "Praise you YAH! Even though the last syllable of hallelujah
is jah, when you pronounce the word, you're really saying "yah", as
in YAH-WEH, instead.
If Jehovah is the Creator's true name, the word hallelujah would
have been translated halleluje as in Je-hovah. It's not halleluje;
it's hallelujah (more correctly halleluyah).
Also, if Jehovah is right, the meaning of hallelujah would
be "praise you Je!" Regardless, it's meaning is not "praise you Je!"
It means "praise you YAH", as in YAH-WEH. Now, it should be clear
that Jehovah is wrong, in that the first syllable of the Creator's
name is YAH and not Je.
Dear list, I rejoice so deeply in my heart because I had been
blessed to find the true name of the Creator of all things. Now, I
know, beyond any shadow of a doubt, what the original and true name
of the Creator, who created the universe and everything in it.
Words can not express how happy I am to know that the Creator's
correct personal name is YAHWEH.
It is the greatest discovery of my life!
And, believe you me when I tell you that I am going to make sure
that as many people as possible will also know the Creator's name.
In my next release, I will reveal part two of this study.
Yours In The Love Of The Most Holy And Wonderful YAHWEH,
Prophet Yahweh
Seer of Yahweh
Master UFO Caller
the end
the end
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